Tag Archives: Rock Band

Friday Few (Instead of Five!)

A little catching up is in order!  Just a few things for this Friday even though it has been a whole month since my last post!

My last race was the St. Paddy 5K which was also the very first race that I ever ran a year ago when I started my running journey!  I am happy to say that I had a  PR (personal record for the non runners out there!) and it was a pretty good difference from last year’s race!  Last year I ran it in 45:15 with a 14:36 average pace and this year I ran it in 33:32 with a 10:44 average pace!  For me that is fast!  Of course I had a wonderful friend/pacer helping me and I was really  thankful that she was with me on the last mile to push me!   My hubby had a huge PR as well!  And this year our 16-year-old son ran with us and beat me by a few seconds!  It was exciting to beat my previous time and to run as a family!

A family 5K! St. Paddy!

Our costumes consisted of a bow tie (Hubby) and green socks with shamrocks (Me)! I get too hot to put more than that on!

My plan for the summer is to get stronger and cross train to help some weak hip flexor issues on my right leg and learn to deal with the heat better!

Until my hip is stronger, KT tape is my friend!

 I was skeptical about these colorful rolls of tape, but somehow it has helped my hip and thigh!

Now for some non running news!  Son #4 made his singing debut about a month ago!  He has played guitar in a band before, but never had the courage to sing until now!  He plays in the Rock Band program at Fondren Guitars with several other students and this year they are branching out to other venues.  On April 19th they will perform at the Museum Art Garden for the High Note Jam concert series sponsored by the Greater Jackson Arts Council!

So if you are local come out and support the young musicians of Rock Band and hear Son #4 sing!